Teresa Newsome writes because she can't be a unicorn. She's been seen in Bustle, The Bolde, Buzzfeed, Taste Talks, Brooklyn Mag, and ViralNova, to name a few. She's also done copy work for companies like Overstock.com and Hidden Valley (mmm ranch dressing...). Aside from writing, she's worked in areas of social justice, comprehensive sexuality education, and women's health at places like Planned Parenthood and her local domestic violence shelter.
She blogs irregularly about her misadventures as a thriving person with mental illness at Lessons From Emotional Kindergarten. She's obsessed with glitter, self-esteem, sassy feminists, lesbians, nail art, sweet dance moves, snacks, fanny packs, long lists, and Amy Poehler. Most of her best friends are actual dogs. She lives with her photographer wife in Northeast Ohio.